Some of the pictures on this blog were found freely on the world wide web
and are used under the guidelines of Fair Use, per Title 17 of the U.S.
Code. If you own the copyright to any of these images and wish them to be credited or removed, please contact me immediately.
This first one comes from Brimstone Gunsmithing, I am not sure if they put it together or a customer of theirs did. It is the back half of a Butler Creek folding stock, cut down for the take down model and the front half of a Hogue, too bad they didn't use the black Hogue stock, but they get an A for effort
Here is a home built copy of the Finger Groove Sporter stock with checkering, only this one is made from laminated Cherry wood. It was made on a CNC machine after laser scanning an original Finger Groove stock. The grip cap and butt plate are carved from ebony.....see the whole story here
This 10/22 stock was modified by a close friend of the blog. He wanted to capture the look of the famous Gibson Tobacco Sunburst guitar
By using both black and walnut colored stain he darkened the edges and feathered in the lighter stain
Another picture, with a second 10/22 with a custom paint job
Here is a project from the Lumberjocks forum, this guy laminated Cherry and "quilted" Maple
Not sure if this was a one off or a run of special stocks for fans of the Dukes of Hazzard.
This guy got creative with the paint and hand drawn flames
This owner added a unique accent piece to his walnut 10/22 stock. the emblem was a little small to cover the whole grip cap, so he inletted it
Another one from rimfirecentral, this one laminated walnut & Zebra wood.
An old school camouflage job
Here is a unique stock that has been shortened and lightened.
This reminds me of the "Whip it" B.A.R. that Clyde Barrow carried during his crime spree
I found this one for sale on ebay
This one was built by a member of the Firing Line Forums, he said he was inspired by my blog...which is the point of this whole thing.....
Another modified stock that has had material removed to lighten it
Another butt stock that has been opened up, this one holds an extra magazine
These pictures are screen grabs from a youtube video. The owner opened up the butt stock and cut away the forend, free floating the barrel
Another one with the same forend treatment, when doing this you need to consider anchoring the rear of the receiver, so it doesn't teeter-totter on the take down bolt
This bullpup was made by a member of the bullpupforum, using pieces of 22 gauge aluminum, walnut and steel. See more here
This engraved and painted 10/22 stock was done by Noel Bruce Carving in Arkansas, see it here