The Hawes Western Marshal was a foreign made copy of the Colt model of 1873 "Single Action Army" revolver.

During the 50's & 60's the Western films were tops at the box office and fans clamored for copies of the six guns used by the heroes and villains on the silver screen. Unfortunately for those fans Colt ended production of the Single Action Army in 1946, they resumed production in 1955, but not until others had started plans for making copies. Among them were Sturm, Ruger & Co. Great Western Arms.

Hawes Firearms Inc. was based out of Los Angeles, but the guns were made in the West German city of Eckenforde by J.P. Sauer & Sohn during the late 1960's & throughout the 70's.
Doing some research into J.P Sauer I found the original company: J.P. Sauer & Sohn (Sauer) in Suhl, Eastern Germany was dismantled by the Soviets after the fall of the Third Reich. It was shortly thereafter revived in Eckernförde, West Germany by a member of the Sauer family. The company was looking for a gun to market to the west and the time was right for a western style six shooter.
In the 70's the Swiss gun maker SIG acquired Sauer to make SIG service pistols for the German police. Later, SIG sold its arms branch to German investors Lüke & Ortmeier. in 2009 L&O spun off the traditional hunting rifles into a new company in Isny, southern Germany, which was named JP Sauer & Sohn, while what was formerly JP Sauer & Sohn (Eckernförde) was renamed to SIG Sauer and continued to make service and sporting weapons.
Production and importation of the SAA copies ended sometime in the early 1980's.

The various options were given their own model name like:
- Western Marshal
- Silver City Marshal
- Chief Marshal
- Federal Marshal
- Deputy Marshal
- Montana Marshal
- Grip panels made from:
- wood
- black rubber
- faux Mother of Pearl
- faux Ivory
- faux stag
- Brass grip frames
- Shiny and matte nickel plated finish, even a two-tone "Pinto" finish.
- Adjustable rear sights on some models
- Extra cylinders for .45 ACP, .22 Mag etc..
These guns were also sold by other importers, Herter's marketed them under the names: "Powermag" and "Single Six" (which I'm sure caused issues with Ruger).
Hy Hunter also brand labeled the J.P Sauer guns with names like "Western Six Shooter". These imports are often confused with domestically produced single actions also marketed by Hy Hunter.

The guns were made of alloy steel with aluminum two piece grip frames and aluminum ejector rod housing. The guns use a frame mounted firing pin but do not feature a transfer bar safety, thus the unique look of the hammer. Like an original Colt, this required the user to carry the gun with an empty chamber under the hammer.
This "safety issue" was the cause of at least two lawsuits brought against Hawes, J.P Sauer and their insurance company.
You can see with the hammer at rest, the firing pin extends past the breach face.
While these were copies of the Colt, the dimensions of the revolvers weren't that of the Colt model of 1873. The frame was larger (to handle the modern loads and allow the .44 Mag chambering) the grip frames had a different profile and the cylinders were larger in diameter.
Searching online I found only anecdotal information. Some commenters thought they were quality made guns, others had numerous complaints.
Remember though, these guns were made during a period in which the gun makers in the United States were producing some fine, quality guns. Even the budget priced firearms of this era came with walnut stocks and a nicely blued finish.
Compare an late '60's Colt or S&W to what is being produced today, there is no comparison.
One must consider these West German guns were never intended to compete with the Colt's, they were intended to be a more affordable alternative, selling for a fraction of what a Colt SAA sold for.
The old adage of "you get what you pay for" comes to mind.
I am not defending the J.P. Sauer made guns, just pointing out the environment in which they were being sold into.
Complaints of the J.P Sauer revolvers included the following:
- excessive end shake (mostly on the centerfire guns)
- firing pin sticking in the primers (causing the gun to lock up)
- hammer sears prone to early wear
- timing issues
- excessive use of aluminum (on the rimfire versions)
Guns & Ammo Magazine reviewed the Hawes line of revolvers in September of '73 and referred to them as "The Poor Man's Commemorative". Perhaps this was a dig, or maybe a comment on their intended market. I couldn't find the whole article, if someone has it please forward a scan, picture or link.
In his book Single Action Six-Guns, author John Taffin calls the J.P. Sauer guns a "high-quality single action sixgun" and further stating that they were "...strong, well built sixguns".
Master Gunsmith and quick draw shooter Bob Munden worked the actions of more than a few Hawes guns. I'm sure if the quality of these guns were dubious, the famous quick draw artist would have kept his distance.
This particular gun is chambered for .44 Magnum, using a 6 round recessed cylinder and a 6" barrel with fixed sights.
This gun did suffer from some locking up issues and some severe end shake.
The anodized finish on the grip frame and ejector rod shroud were well worn, the owner had them duracoated in black "camera finish".
These guns have not increased much in value and can usually be found in the sub $300 range. Part of this might be due to quality issues, poor reputation as being a cheap import or because for a few dollars more you can get a used Ruger Blackhawk (notice the western reference there?).
My personal opinion? They aren't Colts, nor are they Rugers, but if you find one for a "can't pass it up price", go ahead and buy one, I personally would steer clear.
My reasoning? Parts for these guns are difficult to find. In addition there are plenty of other quality guns like Uberti, Ruger and others are easy to find and for reasonable prices, not much more that you would pay for one of these Hawes' revolvers.
The pictures above were found freely on the world wide web and are used under the guidelines of Fair Use, per Title 17 of the U.S. Code. Where possible the source has been credited.
If you own the copyright to any of these images and wish them to be credited or removed, please contact me immediately.
The Firearm Blog
Bob's Gun Shop
Gun Parts Corp
Power Custom
Taffin, John (2005). Single Action SIXGUNS. Hong Kong: Krause Publications
I owned a Hawes for several years in .44 Magnum. I greatly enjoyed it and loved shooting it. I also used it in Wild West reenactments I was a part of. It was ultimately stolen and I still miss it. My father who was a gunsmith and pawn shop owner spoke a bit disparageingly of it, but I never had a problem with it. It was perfect for my use of it.
ReplyDeleteI purchased a Hawes Chief Marshal in 44 Magnum around 1970, if I recollect, and it had good full size Rosewood grips and good adjustable sights. I shot the hell out of it and it never failed me whether factory or my reloads. I shot my first handgun deer with it in the early 70's in NY state using my reloads, and I loved that pistol. Then I bought a Thompson Contender, and my life changed to a new phase, and I sold that Hawes to a friend of mine.
ReplyDeleteLeland Smith
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ReplyDeleteI recievd one recently due to a death of my freind, am looking for ejector tube and ejector rod does anyone know who might stock them? It is in mint condition except for that potmeatle ejector tube.
ReplyDeleteI need a ejector rod as well, did you have any luck?
DeleteTry Gun Parts Corp (Numrich Arms) they should have the parts you need, if not you may be able to use a Ruger or Uberti rod and housing
ReplyDeleteThis single action 44 mag is one of the few handguns still legal in California.
ReplyDeleteLooking for a new model trigger screw. Numrich is out of stock. Anyone know anwywhere else to find one?
ReplyDeletejack first rapid city sd
ReplyDeleteI am looking for a cylinder for the 44 magnum chief marshal, anyone have one available?
ReplyDeleteI own one in .22. I am in need of replacement grips, the stag grabs have long been cracked. Where can I find some grips or what other grips will fit?
ReplyDeleteI bought some polymer grips, “aged Ivory” color from Tombstone grips for my Western Marshal .44.
DeleteFit is perfect and price reasonable. Seen grips for urs on fleabay. Try a search there.
Hello, I'm looking for a 22lr cylinder for a western marshall
ReplyDeleteSo am I. Did you ever find one? I'm guessing, like me, you are guessing at the fix for a "lock up" issue, since everything works fine until you put the cylinder in.
DeleteI found one in .357 cal. And with a 7 1/2 in. barrel it's no fast draw but it sure is nice!
ReplyDeleteI have a Hawes Western Marshall .45 long colt that is nickel plated. I have the quick draw holster that is was used in as Sammy Davis Jr. My dad got this gun and holster from Sammy and passed it down to me. Any idea about how much it might ne worth.
ReplyDeleteI have a Hawes six-shooter model .22lr that I inherited from my Grandpa back in the mid 1980’s. He was a pawn shop owner in South Texas and probably got this from someone who owed his shop money. He liked collecting older guns and I imagine he kept this because it looked like a Colt. But knowing that this is a gun that is unstable he removed the firing pin because the timing is off and it wont lock up in place. It also has a lot of rattle when you shake it. So it is just a “wall art” pistol with no value, with all the things I have read about this I will keep it that way. But since it belonged to my Grandpa it will stay in the family.
ReplyDeleteAnybody know what exact ejector rod housings and screw will interchange with a western marshall in .357? Backstraps and trigger guards too, for that matter? Would like to convert all the junk aluminum parts of this pistol over to nice blued steel.
ReplyDeleteCan't tell which version of Blackhawk ejector housings to try, based on the fact that the Western Marshall has a threaded stud in the barrel and a 4" tube.
Deletetry Numrich gun parts,...have bought many Hawes parts from them!
DeleteJust a thank you for the article. My wife came into possession of a Western Marshal and now we know its history. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteInteresting read thank you! Now I know more about my 44 western marshal
ReplyDeleteI need an ejector assembly for my marshal. Will another brand interchange?
ReplyDeletetry gun parts corp first, if they don't have one, maybe you could try an Uberti or Piaetta