Monday, August 28, 2023

Week 35 2023


This Week in Firearms History:

August 27: In 1835 gun maker Daniel LeFever is born; in 1945 Elfego Baca dies, 60 years after the gun battle that made him famous.

August 28: In 1916 Germany declares war on Romania and Italy declares war on Germany; WWII in 1944 the last German troops in Marseilles surrender.

August 29: In 1842 Great Britian and China sign the Nanking Treaty, ending the Opium War; in 1862 The Second Battle of Bull Run; in 1991 The Supreme Soviet Parliament suspends the Communist Party.

August 30: In 1682 William Penn leaves England for the New World; in 1914, WWI, The Battle of Tanneberg, Russian forces decimated; in 1945 General Douglas MacArthur lands in Japan; in 1995 the Ruby Ridge siege ends.

August 31: In 1888 Jack the Ripper claims his 1st victim in London's east end; in 1911 the "Sullivan Act" requiring New Yorkers to have a permit for concealed carry goes into effect; in 1944 The French Government moves back to Paris.

September 1: In 1752 the Liberty Bell arrives in Philadelphia; in 1938 Mussolini cancels civil rights of Jews, in 1939 Germany invades Poland, starting WWII; in 1951 Israel creates their secret service: Mossad.

September 2: In 1798, the 1st bank robbery in the US occurs in Philadelphia; the Empire of Japan sign orders of Unconditional Surrender to the USA. 

Gun of the Week: S&W K-22 Masterpiece

The story of the S&W K-22 Masterpiece begins in 1899 when Smith & Wesson introduced the .38 Hand Ejector Military & Police model, it was the first "K" frame, which turned out to be the perfect size and weight for a revolver.

The Springfield gunmaker introduced the K-framed 22 in 1930 and called it the K-22 Outdoorsman, then in 1939 it was improved into the K-22 Masterpiece. Production (for civilians) was halted during WWII but resumed afterward and in 1957 it got a model number, the Model 17.
In 1990 a stainless version, the 617 was introduced. The Model 17 K-22 Masterpiece is still in production, see them here.

Cartridge of the Week: 307 Winchester

You may not have heard of the 307 Winchester; many may just figured it was a typo. 

No typo, there is a real 307 Winchester and yes, it is related to the .308 Winchester. In fact, they are one and the same except for a couple of small differences. 

The 307 Winchester is a .308 Win cartridge with a rim and thicker case walls. It was developed for use in the Winchester model 94, which is a lever action rifle designed for a rimmed cartridge. 

The 307 was introduced in 1982 and only the Winchester model 94 has ever been chambered for the cartridge.

Reloading dies for the .308 can be used, but the shell holder for a .30-30 Winchester needs to be employed.

Gun Quote of the Week:

"I heard some from the other party saying, we won the cold war, it made me wonder who they meant by WE" - President Ronald Reagan

Bubba Gun of the Week:

This week's Bubba Gun comes to us from North Lawndale, Chicago. Chad "Stoney" Williams-McFadden created this multi-purpose Glock style pistol on his neighbor's 3D printer. He calls the pistol his "Glong".

Gun Sticker of the Week:

This weeks gun sticker comes from Grunt Style

Gun T-Shirt of the Week:

The gun shirt for this week is from Battle Cat Company, see them here.

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