Friday, February 25, 2022

Theme Guns XXXIII

 A prayer to St. Wick, Patron Saint of Firearms and Puppies.....

Most holy Apostle, St Wick, faithful servant to justice and keeper of puppies. Help me to find the bravery within when wickedness and evil come calling.

You inspire us to seek recourse when we have been trespassed upon. Please make our draws swift and our aim accurate so that vengeance may be ours. 

Thank you, St. Wick, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you. Amen.

I'm not sure what they are selling (that is a Ruger Security Six), but this is very creative

His and Hers?



Before Socialism took over Russia in 1917, you could actually visit a gun store like this one

Hey lady, give me that dirtbag, give me your wallet!

Homemade AK 9mm pistol

When I see this picture all I can think is "please keep these surplus guns safe until they can be exported to the U.S."

If you don't know who this is, I am not sure we can be friends

Use the enemy's weakness for the virtue signal against them

A purchase order from The Ruger Corporation (predecessor to Sturm, Ruger & Co.) for the stampings that eventually formed the grip frame of the 1st Ruger pistol.

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