Friday, September 2, 2022

Firearm Factory of the Month: Union Fire Arms Co.

The story of Union Fire Arms Company begins in 1891 with a company called Colton & Hickox.

Colton and Hickox opened their doors in 1891, I could find no record of them making firearms, but I did find them listed as makers/dealers of bicycles. It was not uncommon to see bicycles and firearms made by the same company or even in the same factory. 
In the ad below from 1891 they are listed as dealers for the Union Bicycle Co. Is this where they got the new name for the gun company?

Colton & Hickox' address was listed above as 326 Summit Street Toledo, OH. There are two 326 Summit Streets, a north and a south, this one looks like the most likely culprit. 326 South Summit Street:

In 1893 the company was reorganized as the Colton Fire Arms Company, perhaps George Colton bought out his partner so he may focus on firearms? or maybe the bicycle thing wasn't working out so well, who knows? 
The new factory sat at the junction of Sylvan and Lane Avenues in the "Old West End" of Toledo, Ohio.

Colton Fire Arms brand labeled shotguns for Sears, Roebuck and Company, some have claimed they were the first gun maker to do so for the retailer. Here is a page from the Sears Catalog showing the Colton double barrel, I believe this is from 1901. Only $14.95, that is about $412 today.

On September 8th, 1902, the Union Fire Arms Company was incorporated with $150,000 of capital. George Colton was named President and Treasurer. I am guessing this was done to bring in some investors and needed capital to expand the business. It is noted in the trade paper below that they intended to market a 6 shot repeating shotgun

It is also known that Charles LeFever (son of gun maker Dan LeFever) worked with Colton on developing a pump action shotgun.

Below is an early ad for their pump shotgun.

In 1905 the address for the factory changed, although the factory didn't move, this was common in the early days as new streets were built and the system of addresses were improved.

The new address was listed as 3105-3107 Monroe Street Toledo, OH. (the intersection of Sylvan and Lane Avenues, is behind the building)

Here is what the factory looks like now

Here are two ads, one pre 1911 and one post 1911. In 1911 the Union Fire Arms Co. became the Union Arms Co. Note the two addresses. Someone either had a case of dyslexia or the printer screwed up. Either way I could find no Auburndale streets in Toledo, there is an Auburndale neighborhood, but it is primarily residential so it could be just an office address.

In 1913 Union Arms was sold to Toledo Arms Co. which began operations in Toledo in 1871.

In 1916 Toledo Arms (along with Union Arms) was purchased by Ithaca Gun Company.

If you have any information to ad, please leave a comment and a link if you have it.

The Iron Age July-Dec 1902
Gun Values Board
Gun Values Board

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