A sniper of the 6th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment outside his post on the front line. It was taken by Second Lieutenant Davis McLellan on 6 February 1918 near Cambrin, in France.
An interesting place to keep your MP5
WWII, A Japanese soldier inspects a captured Springfield 1903 rifle abandoned near Bataan
U.S. Civil War mortars
A Sheriff's Deputy in Colorado stopped a criminal who was shooting at them, by shooting a bullet right down the barrel of the criminals gun.
A small rimfire gun disguised as a lighter
A Sten gun factory during WWII
The Heckler & Koch HK XM29 OICW prototype, it fires a 5.56 NATO bullet from its lower barrel and a 20x28mm air bursting grenades from its upper barrel
This is supposedly a picture of a German MG42 Machine gun bunker at Omaha Beach 1944
Awesome behind-the-scenes pic of Chloë Grace-Moretz, during the filming of Kick Ass 2
Students and faculty duck for cover during the 13 seconds of gun fire at the Kent State Protest, May 4th, 1970
Soviet Women Snipers defending the motherland, 1943
Marina Amaral
Military History Now
US News
Military Factory
Twitter Kick Ass Sequel
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