Friday, February 14, 2020

Buy your Girl a Gun Day 2020

Last year I declared February 14th to be National Buy your Girl a Gun Day.

We have been brainwashed by unscrupulous marketers that we need to buy her chocolates, flowers or jewelry.....

Here is the deal with that:

  • Jewelry's value is artificially inflated, most of the "precious" stones are neither precious nor rare. Most jewelry does not hold its value.

  • Chocolates are great and I would never turn one down, but they do contain a lot of unnecessary calories....

  • Flowers die 

Guns on the other hand are non-fattening, don't die on you and they can actually increase in value over time.

even the Gun Goddess agrees.....

In all seriousness, nothing can protect a women like a firearm can. A women with a firearm and proper training is the physical equal to any man.
Before going out and buying the first pink or purple gun you find, you should check with your wife....when I queried mine, she told me that she wanted a black gun.

Take her to the range and try several guns and don't forget about revolvers, while the have limited capacity, the hammerless ones can be fired from inside a purse or jacket pocket.

If you girl already has a gun, there are lots of gun gear that is made in feminine colors...

CCI is making clean 22 (poly coated) 22 cartridges in pink now

Bulldog, MTM, Pelican & SKB are all offering pink gun cases now

Or maybe something custom, like this one from Dulles Case Center.

Or this one from American West.

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